
  • Journals
  1. Pierella C, Abdollahi F, Thorp EB, Farshchiansadegh A, Pedersen J, Seáñez-González I, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, and Casadio M. Learning new movements after paralysis: Results from a home-based study. Scientific Reports 7 (2017): 4779
  2. Abdollahi F, Farshchiansadegh A, Pierella C, Seáñez-González I, Thorp EB, Lee MH, Ranganathan R et al. Body-Machine Interface Enables People With Cervical Spinal Cord Injury to Control Devices With Available Body Movements: Proof of Concept. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 31, no. 5 (2017): 487-493
  3. Seáñez-González I, Pierella C, Farshchiansadegh A, Thorp EB, Wang X, Parrish T, and Mussa-Ivaldi FA. Body-Machine Interfaces after Spinal Cord Injury: Rehabilitation and Brain Plasticity. Brain sciences 6, no. 4 (2016): 61.
  4. Seáñez -Gonzalez I, Pierella C, Farshchiansadegh A, Thorp EB, Abdollahi F, Pedersen JP, and Mussa-Ivaldi FA. Static vs. dynamic decoding algorithms in a non-invasive body-machine interface. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 25 (2016): 893-905
  5. Thorp EB, Abdollahi F, Chen D, Farshchiansadegh A, Lee MH, Pedersen JP, Pierella C, Roth EJ, Seáñez-Gonzalez I, Mussa-Ivaldi FA. Upper Body-Based Power Wheelchair Control Interface for Individuals with Tetraplegia. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 24, no. 2 (2016): 249-260
  6. Casadio M, Pressman A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA. Learning to push and learning to move: The adaptive control of contact forces. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 9 (2015): 118
  7. Farshchiansadegh A., Ranganathan R., Casadio M., Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Adaptation to visual feedback delay in a redundant motor task, Journal of Neurophysiology, Published, 22 October 2014Vol. no. , DOI: 10.1152/jn.00249.2014
  8. Iandolo R, Squeri V, De Santis D, Giannoni P, Morasso PG and Casadio M. Proprioceptive bimanual test in intrinsic and extrinsic coordinates. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9 (2015): 72
  9. Pierella C, Abdollahi F, Farshchiansadegh F, Pedersen J, Thorp EB, Mussa-Ivaldi FA and Casadio M. Remapping residual coordination for controlling assistive devices and recovering motor functions. Neuropsychologia. 79 (2015): 364-376
  • Conferences
  1. Galofaro E, De Luca A, Tasso E, Cervetto F, Gamba S, Losio L, Venegoni A, Mandraccia S, Muller I, Quinland E, Massone A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Casadio M and Pierella C. Functional evaluation of cervical spinal cord injury survivors after training with a Body-Machine interface. 6th National Congress of Italian Group of Bioengineering (GNB) in Milan on June 25-27, 2018
  2. Rizzoglio F, Sciacchitano A, Pierella C, Farshchiansadegh A, Mussa Ivaldi FA, Casadio M. Body Machine interfaces for Assistance and Rehabilitation. 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Honolulu, July 17-21, 2018.
  3. Pierella C, De Luca A, Tasso E, Cervetto F, Gamba S, Losio L, Venegoni A, Mandraccia S, Muller I, Massone A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Casadio M. Changes in neuromuscular activity during motor training with a body-machine interface after spinal cord injury. IEEE International Conference in Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), London, July 17-20, 2017
  4. Galofaro E, De Luca A, Pierella C, Tasso E, Cervetto F, Bellito A, Matera V, Gamba S, Losio L, Venegoni A, Mandraccia S, Muller I, Pini D, Leoncini C, Quinland E, Massone A, and Casadio M. Valutazione strumentale del movimento degli arti superiori in soggetti con mielolesioni cervicali. XVIII Congresso Nazionale della società di analisi del movimento SIAMOC, Turin October 4-7, 2017
  5. Pierella C, Abdollahi F, Thorp E, Farshchiansadegh A, Seanez I, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Casadio M. Movement reorganization and space representation through the operation of a body-machine interface. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego, November 12-16, 2016
  6. Pierella C, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Casadio M. Characterization of the learning process while operating a body-machine interface. Annual meeting of the Society for the neural control of movement (NCM), Montego Bay, April 24-29, 2016.
  7. Pierella C, De Luca A, Tasso E, Cervetto F, Gamba S, Losio L, Venegoni A, Mandraccia S, Muller I, Massone A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Casadio M. Evaluation of the efficacy of body machine interface for rehabilitation of spinal cord injury survivors: A pilot study. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago, October 17-21, 2015
  8. Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Pierella C, Casadio M. A computational model of learning in a body-machine interface. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago, October 17-21, 2015
  9. Summa S*, Pierella C*, Giannoni P, Sciacchitano A, Iacovelli S, Farshchiansadegh A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA and Casadio M. A body-machine interface for training selective pelvis movements in stroke survivors: a pilot study. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milan August 25-29, 2015.
  10. Pierella C, De Luca A, Tasso E, Cervetto F, Gamba S, Losio L, Venegoni A, Mandraccia S, Muller I, Massone A, Mussa-Ivaldi FA and Casadio M. Body-Machine Interfaces as tool for Rehabilitative Intervention after Spinal Cord Injury. 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milan, August 25-29, 2015.
  11. De Luca A*, Pierella C*, Cervetto F, Tasso E, Gamba S, Losio L, Venegoni A, Mandraccia S, Muller I, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Casadio M and Massone A. Valutazione dell’efficacia dell’utilizzo di un’interfaccia corpo-macchina per la riabilitazione in soggetti mielolesi: studio pilota. XV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Riabilitazione Neurologica (SIRN), Novara April 16-18, 2015
  12. Pierella C, Abdollahi F, Farshchiansadegh A, Pedersen J, Chen D, Mussa-Ivaldi FA and Casadio M. Body machine interfaces for neuromotor rehabilitation: a case study. 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Chicago, August 26-30, 2014
  13. Iandolo R, Squeri V, De Santis D, Giannoni P, Morasso P and Casadio M. Testing proprioception in intrinsic and extrinsic systems: is there a difference? 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Chicago, August 26-30, 2014
  14. De Luca A, Vernetti H, Lentino C, Checchia GA, Giannoni P and Casadio M, Robot-assisted rehabilitation in chronic stroke survivors: can the training of the unaffected arm contribute to recovery? 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Chicago, August 26-30, 2014
  15. Casadio M, De Luca A, Vernetti H, Lentino C, Checchia GA, Giannoni P. Robot-assisted training of the non-paretic arm contributes to recovery for chronic stroke survivors, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington DC, November 15-19, 2014
  16. Pierella C, Abdollahi F, Farshchiansadegh A, Pedersen J, Chen D, Thorp EB, Seanez-Gonzalez I, Mussa-Ivaldi FA, Casadio M, Recovery in upper body mobility through practice with body machine interface. Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington DC, November 15-19, 2014
  17. De Luca A, Vernetti H, Lentino C, Checchia GA, Giannoni P and Casadio M, Robot-assisted rehabilitation in chronic stroke survivors: can the training of the unaffected arm contribute to recovery? IV National Congress of Italian Group of Bioengineering (GNB) in Pavia (Italy) on June 25-27 2014.
  18. Pellegrino L, Giannoni P, Casadio M. Learning postural control through visual feedback: advantages and limits. IV National Congress of Italian Group of Bioengineering (GNB) in Pavia (Italy) on June 25-27 2014.
  19. De Luca A, Vernetti H, Lentino C, Checchia GA, Giannoni P and M. Casadio M. Riabilitazione robot-mediata in soggetti post-ictus cronici: quale ruolo per l’arto non paretico? XIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Riabilitazione Neurologica (SIRN), Genoa (Italy), May 8-10 2014.
  20. Pellegrino L, Giannoni P and Casadio M. “Feedback visivo: facilitazione o disturbo per la comprensione della posizione del corpo nello spazio?” XIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Riabilitazione Neurologica (SIRN), Genoa (Italy), May 8-10 2014.
  21. Iandolo R, Squeri V, De Santis D, Giannoni P, Morasso P and Casadio M. La percezione degli arti nello spazio: test in coordinate instrinseche ed estrinseche. XIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Riabilitazione Neurologica (SIRN). Genoa (Italy), May 8-10 2014
  22. Giannoni P, Pellegrino L, Marinelli L, Casadio M, "Visual feedback: does it facilitate or disturb the body position sense in space?" 30Th IBITA Annual general meeting of the international BOBATH instructors training association in Florence (Italy) on September 3-6, 2014.
  23. Giannoni P, Iandolo R, De Santis D, Squeri V, Morasso P, Casadio M, "Position-matching in intrinsic and extrinsic coordinates: is there a difference?" 30Th IBITA Annual general meeting of the international BOBATH instructors training association in Florence (Italy) on September 3-6, 2014
  24. Vernetti H, Giannoni P, Capra C, De Luca A, Lentino C, Checchia GA, Casadio M, "All parts of the body contribute in the recovery of chronic stroke patients." 30Th IBITA Annual general meeting of the international BOBATH instructors training association in Florence (Italy) on September 3-6 2014
  25. Capra C, Vernetti H, De Luca A, Lentino C, Rehab. Robotics Team, Checchia GA, Giannoni P, Casadio M, "Functional Evaluation of Robot End-Point Assisted Gait Re-education in Chronic Stroke Subjects." 30th IBITA Annual general meeting of the international BOBATH instructors training association in Florence (Italy) on September 3-6, 2014
  • Theses
  1. Fabio Rizzoglio, “Development and testing of a hybrid body-machine interface that integrates activities from muscle and motion sensors to control assistive and rehabilitative devices”
  2. Alessio Sciacchitano, “A new human machine interface based on electromyographic signals and on autoencoder network”, December 2016
  3. Amy Bellito, Valentina Matera, “Valutazione funzionale dei movimenti degli arti superiori in seguito a mielolesione cervicale: recupero spontaneo ed effetto dei trattamenti riabilitativi”, September 2016
  4. Elisa Tasso, Federica Cervetto, “Sviluppo di un interfaccia uomo macchina come intervento riabilitativo per pazienti con mielolesione”, September 2015
  5. Leonardo Stretti, “Rappresentazione spaziale di uno stimolo vibrottatile”. December 2014
  6. Selene Iacovelli. Titolo: Un’Interfaccia naturale per facilitare il controllo posturale del tronco in soggetti cronici con esiti da ictus: studio pilota” December 2014
  7. Alessio Sciacchitano. Titolo: “Sviluppo di un’interfaccia corpo-macchina per la riabilitazione neuromotoria”, September 2014
  8. Sara Naletti, Elisa Garofalo, Agnello Martina, “Sviluppo di un’interfaccia per la valutazione di trattamenti basati su ausili tecnologici per il recupero della funzionalità del braccio, del polso e della mano”, September 2014
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